Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010: Culture Club - Church Of The Poison Mind


We were in the 1980's for Saturday's Minutemen post, and I'm sure we'll be spending a lot more time in that gloriously horrible decade in future, so I was hesitant to include yet another 80's tune so quickly onto the list, but it's Monday, and we all need our Walking-On-Sunshine-Song to pick us up and start the week off right.

Without actually having to listen to Walking On Sunshine.

Church of the Poison Mind is a gloriously happy song.  The driving drumbeat, breezy harmonica and Helen Terry's soaring vocals all work together to brew a perfect pot of petrol to get you going. It's a patchwork of a 1,000 American musical clichés, like so many British hits of the period, but without the dour undertones that were usually added. In fact, Church of the Poison Mind is what you would get if you took Town Like Malice by The Jam, drained it of all its angst and irony, filled it back up with Margarita Mix and said, "Let's Party!"

And I ask you, could there be any cooler way to start of week?

One quick note about the video. I can pinpoint my childhood desire to visit England directly to the first time I watched Culture Club drive that 1959 Caddy through the streets of London. Lord Have Mercy, that was cool when I was a kid.


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