Showing posts with label Rebel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rebel. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Fault Line

This really is unprecedented.

Just before going on hiatus for June and July, I posted a song by the group Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

The thing about it is, it was the wrong song. It really was.

I didn't realize it at the time because, without going into too much detail, my head was really in a bad place. I took my eye off the ball, I was preoccupied by other things.


Don't get me wrong, Whatever Happened To My Rock N Roll is a fine song. Somewhat. But it's just not the RIGHT song. If that makes any sense.

Here is the song I should have posted by BRMC.

There, that feels better


Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Whatever Happened to My Rock 'n' Roll

It's always good to end the week with some questions -

What is the meaning of my life?

Why do I do this every day?

What will the future bring?

What did I accomplish this week?

When will my saviour come for me?

Whatever Happened To My Rock & Roll?

It's the weekend - let's shake the cobwebs out, put on our black motorcycle boots and give this old week a right, good kick goodbye

Keep on truckin, everyone