Showing posts with label Nilsson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nilsson. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2011

CSOTD Bonus Edition: Harry Nilsson - Jump Into The Fire

The problem with doing theme weeks is that, obviously, you need to leave some stuff out.

I can't post every single song that has Jump in the title, I just can't.

I mean, even with the word "Jump" alone, that in itself is a restriction. Notice I haven't included any songs about Jumping (vis-à-vis Jumping Jack Flash or Jumpin', Jumpin')

Now, often I'm ok with leaving out some stuff.  For this week, I was OK with not including Jump Then Fall by Taylor Swift or One Jump Ahead from Aladdin.

But, I wasn't OK with leaving out this frantic, raucous 7 minute thrill ride from the early 70's.

If you only know Harry Nilsson from such sleepy, dreamy ballads as Without You and Everybody's Talkin, then Mr Nilsson, and drummer Jim Gordon and a bassist Herbie Flowers, are about to wake you up.

With a fire extinguisher.  Filled with lead pellets.