Showing posts with label Yoakam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoakam. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011: Dwight Yoakam - An Exception To The Rule

Here's a song that's just at home in 1954 as it was in 2003 when it was released, as it still is today.

It's just at home in Bakersfield, California as it is Savannah, Georgia, as it would be in Bedfordshire, England.

Ok, it would be horribly out of place in Bedfordshire, but that's not the point.

The point is that county music speaks to the human condition far more than most any other music.

Somewhere, there is a guy who is miserable, who's been hurt by life and love, who's down on his luck...but then he sees that girl. That one hope, that last chance.

Somewhere, whether it's Bakersfield or Bedfordshire, somewhere there is a guy who totally understands where Dwight Yoakam is coming from.

And, for the record, nowhere is there anyone who does country music better than Dwight.

Including Bedfordshire Bakersfield