Showing posts with label Sheepdogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheepdogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012: The Sheepdogs - I Don't Know

I remember when I first got to drive all by myself.

My father had a 1968 Plymouth Belvedere II station wagon.  That thing was a land yacht if there ever was one.  It didn't stop on a dime, it stopped on a roll of quarters.

My father taught me to drive in that beast in the huge parking lot of a Toys 'R Us in Covina, California.  Up and down and around we would go, all through that vast open asphalt space.  Other places too, but all usually parking lots.  Mall parking lots, things like that.  I was just over 16 years old.

So, I take my turn, pass the test.  Later, Dad tells me we're going out.  We go to the Shell station down the street, fill up the wagon.  He pulls out and heads right back home. Directly across the street from our house he stops.  Shuts off the engine.  Gets out, tells me it's all mine.  Be careful.  He walks across the busy street back home.  I remember exactly that feeling of sliding over to get behind the wheel (bench seats, baby), starting up that big 318 cu in. V8, pulling down the shift lever on the steering column, looking over my shoulder (S.M.O.G, for those who remember), turning the wheel, pressing the accelerator, pulling out and going.

God, that was an amazing feeling.  I actually had to look around the car just to make sure I was the only one there. I was.

Me.  The car.  The road.  Glorious freedom.  And one of the biggest smiles I've ever had across my face.

Even for only a little bit.