Showing posts with label Cochran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cochran. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011: The "Four Decades Of Summer" Edition

Since I missed my usual TWOfer Tuesday, how about a FOURfer Wednesday?

No, it doesn't have the same ring to it, but work with me here.

It's February. The bleak mid-winter.

Chances are, unless you are south of the equator, you're cold.  Real cold. You might even be going through a severe winter storm. And Spring, while only around the corner, seems a million miles away.

I'm guessing you are ready for some summer. A summer for the ages.

Let's dream about that, shall we, by listing to songs about summer. Through the ages.


Topping the charts at #8 on the Billboard Hot 100 on September 29, 1958, we'll start with one of Rock & Roll's greatest voices, and guitarists, and his hip take on what makes summer a drag.


New York's own Lovin' Spoonful takes us back to when nights were a different world from the days. Listen to the sounds of the car horns and jackhammers, and know that where the snow lies now, road works are just around the corner


When people talk about great guitarists, why isn't Ernie Isley's name at the top of everyone's list? I mean, he has a sound that is as unique and instantly recognizable as Duane Eddy, and has chops to die for. If you need to warm up, just keep replaying this track's killer solo, and I'm sure you'll be burning up in no time


How 'bout we wrap this up with hot chicks having fun? Summer wouldn't be summer without hot chicks.

Have fun!