Showing posts with label Dean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean. Show all posts

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011: Dean Martin - Mambo Italiano

I really wish I could do Cool Song Of The Week as a full time.

This would be my dream job: choosing cool songs and writing about them.

I have so many plans for this blog, too. Because of time restrictions, I haven't had nearly as many "theme" weeks as I would have liked, only two so far. I've got 10 solid ideas ready to go, about a hundred more just bouncing around.

One of those ten will come to fruition next week, I promise. Its been too long.

I can't tell you what it will be, you'll just have to wait on that. I can tell you, however, what it won't be: The Rat Pack Week.

In my second post at the very beginning of this blog, I said this: "If someone wanted me to define cool, I would first point them to Miles Davis."

I then said a close second would be Otis Redding. Probably rounding out the holy trinity of cool, then, would be this assemblage of artists, musicians, actors, swordsmen and ne'er-do-well's.

What a week: a song a day from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop and to round out the week, Shirley Maclaine, the "honorary mascot and Girl Friday", though she had just a good chops, acting AND singing, as any of those blokes.

Killer, killer week.  Maybe it will happen someday.

But, the longer I procrastinate, the longer you go, gentle reader, without hearing any of the World Class, Epoch Defining coolness that is from The Pack. Let's remedy that then, shall we?

So, let's drink: to times gone by, times that will never return, and possibly to times that never really were in the first place.

Let's drink - then let's dance.

If you're gonna be a square you ain't-a gonna go anywhere!