Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gods. Show all posts

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010: Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand

I do love movies. I try to see as many as possible. I read up on cinematic technique, study film history and keep up on the latest movie news, and encourage people to see those wonderful little films that might go unnoticed, or don't get booked into the local multiplex.

I'm a movie buff. And consider myself fairly qualified to judge what makes a good movie and what doesn't.

Which is probably why I've never seen The Cable Guy with Jim Carey and Matthew Broderick.

But, here's a truly wonderful song from it's soundtrack.

And if you ever wondered about what exactly happened to The Primitive Radio Gods, the excellent blog The Second Single has the scoop.  Careful, though, I guess the title of their second single would be NSFW.

Which might be a reason it didn't go very far.  You couldn't get away with that stuff back then.

Not like today.
