Showing posts with label Dolly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dolly. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024

Monday, February 26, 2024: Dolly Parton - 9 To 5


12 years have passed since I stopped CSOTD.  In that time, many of the YouTube links to the songs of the day have been broken.  Restarting this blog has had to include the monumental undertaking of going back through the entire blog history to reestablish all those broken links.

It's a major project that I imagine will take me a few months to complete.

What has been interesting, though, as I go through the day to day, week over week selections, is that I've acquired a sort of macro view of the blog; seeing how the days and weeks fit together, trying to see the overarching themes and intentions of my blogging.

Turns out, I put a lot of emphasis on Fridays.  And a lot of dread onto Mondays.

Yes, I work 9 To 5, Monday through Friday.  I'm a office drone, a paper pusher, an administrator over things that have great importance now, but will not mean anything to anyone 20 years from now.

I know there are many people in the world holding down full time jobs who do not have that schedule, working nights and weekend.  Getting only every other Tuesday off, or only driving to work at night.  There are many out there who would love to have my M-F schedule.

Well, I can't help you with your work calendar, but I can help you with your mood.

Well, Dolly and I can.  Well, mostly Dolly, actually.  

She gets us.

Here's to Monday's, even if your Monday is on a Wednesday or a a Thursday.  Just try to make it a good one.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012: Dolly Parton - Coat Of Many Colors

In our current season of rampant marketing, consuming consumption and all the pressure to spend spend spend, regardless of the consequences, here's a timeless reminder that how we give is far more important than what we give.

And that a gift sealed with a kiss, can be better than the cold, lifeless jewels from a thousand kingdoms.
