Showing posts with label Hunter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunter. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012: Ivory Joe Hunter - Since I Met You Baby

It's day two here on Guest Presenter Week - and we're with Nick Littrell, our very first guest presenter.

CSOTD: What do you have for us today, Nick?

Nick: Hot Action Cop - Fever For The Flava!

CSOTD: Wait, what?

Nick: From Need For Speed! God, I played that game for DAYS, dude, days. "I got the green glow unda my car!, I got the boom, boom...something something something something..."

CSOTD: Nick, we can't blog Fever For The Flava by Hot Action Cop. It's not a cool song, Nick. In fact, it kinda sucks. It's derivative frat boy background music for every kegger party that took place in 2003.

Nick: Oh, God. Whatever. Do what you want.

CSOTD: I think I'll use this as a teachable moment here. How about you listen to the 1956 blues staple Since I Met You Baby by Ivory Joe Hunter? See, Nick, that's a COOL song. That's more what we're going for here.  Take it away, Ivory Joe, show us what cool really is.