Showing posts with label Veronica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veronica. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012: Veronica Falls - Found Love in a Graveyard

Only a few days until All Hallow's Eve.  More than likely, you've already had your Halloween Party this past weekend, and you've probably had your fill of the Halloween displays at stores.  Or the price of candy has put you in an unholy rage.

In other words, you might actually be tired of the whole Halloween thing by now, and just want it get on with it.

Well, tough.  We're going to do our Halloween Week....oh, uh, Halloween 3 Day Week, and we're going to do it right.  And start it right now.  My blog, my rules.

Here's the ever cool Veronica Falls, showing us that love is wherever you find it.