Showing posts with label Pendulum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pendulum. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010: Pendulum - Tarantula

For me, Friday songs are all about cranking the car stereo up really loud as you drive away from work or school. It's that little moment as you break free of the constraints of your weekly obligations and drive off into the pure bliss of the unknown. I find that, most of the time, thinking about the weekend is far more exciting than the weekend itself.

It's very ritualistic. Getting into the car, throwing stuff into the backseat or trunk (or boot, for my British friends), turning the ignition, rolling down the window, throwing it in gear and heading out. The best part is that slight dip you take leaving the parking lot and entering onto the street. That's the point of no return, right there. Up until that point, someone could flag you down, call you back, but once you hit that slight bump, you put the pedal to the metal and run. Go. Fly. Be free. (Until Monday at least)

If you plan it right, that point is exactly at 0:45 into Tarantula by the Australian Drum & Bass/Electronicia/Rock group Pendulum. From ground zero to this moment, you are lured into a false sense of calm, thinking you've stumbled onto some soothing, forgotten reggae track. Those illusions are soon shattered, however, when Pendulum bring the mayhem. Tarantula is one of those jaw-droppingly energetic numbers that fly in the face of every critic who thinks electronica isn't real music. Screw you. The production is faultless, the sound is immense and powerful drums (and bass) make you want to max out your credit card on some decent speakers just so you can play this louder. Because Tarantula can ALWAYS be played louder.

Louder, harder, faster, more..........isn't that what that Friday feeling is all about? Wicked cool.

Fasten your seatbelts.