Showing posts with label Blancmange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blancmange. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 28, 2012: TWOfer Tuesday: The "Bands Named After Desserts" Edition

First up: Blancmange: Blancmange is a sweet dessert commonly made with milk or cream and sugar thickened with gelatin or cornstarch, and often flavored with almonds. It is usually set in a mould and served cold. Although traditionally white, blancmanges are frequently given a pink color as well. Some similar desserts are Bavarian cream, vanilla pudding (in US usage), panna cotta, and haupia.

Next up: Ambrosia: Ambrosia is a variation on the traditional fruit salad. It contains sweetened whipped cream (or whipped topping), sour cream, or yogurt, pineapple, mandarin oranges, miniature marshmallows and coconut. Some versions also contain maraschino cherries, bananas, strawberries, also crushed pecans can be used. The mixture is then refrigerated for a few hours.

Mmmm, tasty!

As always, thank you Wikipedia for the definitions