Showing posts with label Status. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Status. Show all posts

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011: Chase & Status - Blind Faith

I've been listening to this song for a couple of weeks now.

I wanted to blog it from the very first time I listened to it, but I just didn't think it fit into the rotation. I had to wait for an opening.

The part of me that wanted to put it up immediately is the scared little kid in me who still, in my forties, still desires to be popular. I felt that if I could post a bleeding edge song once in a while it would prop up my street cred, make people notice that I actually do know what I'm talking about.

It would make me seem cool.

Because, while the songs I post are very cool, I am about a million miles from cool. And have been for all my life.

And it's something I struggle with.

But then, I just chilled, took a breath, and just focused on the main underlying theme of all I post; If it is cool now, I should be cool in a month, a year, a decade.

Cool never goes out of style.

So, after a few weeks of being released, this song has gone from bleeding edge to merely cutting edge.

But that does not stop it from being very, very cool.
