Showing posts with label Sugarloaf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sugarloaf. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012: TWOfer Tuesday - The "Songs I Really Hate" Edition

And don't even get me started on Indian Reservation (Cherokee People) by Paul Revere & The Raiders.  That's actually on the very top (bottom?) of my hate list, but I'm not including it with today's selections because I've always felt that was more of a novelty record than anything else.

I can't really offer any valid reason why I loathe these songs so much.  But I do.  I dislike everything about these two tunes.  But, hey, I know that my own personal prejudice shouldn't prevent me from sharing them with you, gentle reader, who might actually think they are *ahem* cool.

Even if I don't like these, which I don't, I think they have enough redeeming features to be included in our humble blog.  You know, sharing is caring.  And all that.

So, here's to songs that I despise but you may not.  Except for Indian Reservation (Cherokee People) by Paul Revere & The Raiders.  If you that song is cool, then here's a nice knitting blog you might be interested in.

Because you're no longer welcome here.