Showing posts with label Prima. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prima. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011: TWOfer Tuesday - Old School Jump

There's no school like the old school.

We may think we know about fun and freedom here in the 21st Century, but we really need to go back and see how the true hipsters and hep cats blew wild to really show us bumpkins how to cut a rug proper.

The first lesson comes from Senior Louis Prima, the coolest of cool dudes who rocked the big band in the 1940s, a Vegas lounge act in the 1950s, and also did pop-rock band in the 1960s. And he always looked great doing it.

However, if Mr Prima schooled us, then Mr Belefonte will not only administers our final exams but also grade our dissertations of cool while he sits as the Dean of Cool University. Our work, held up against the standards of the King of Calypso though, falls miserably short and we are all destined to flip burgers and wear name tags at our jobs for the rest of our miserable, uncool lives.

Or, we can just do what most university students do - crank up the music, have fun and dance!*

I dare you to sit still during this song, I double-dog dare you!

*well, obviously, there's also the drinking and the sex - but I do struggle to keep this blog strictly PG-13, gentle reader. I do try.