Showing posts with label Del Ray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Del Ray. Show all posts

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012: Lana Del Ray - Video Games

Lana Del Ray was one of the biggest stories of 2011.

There is little I can say here that hasn't already been commented about.

What I can do, however, is just give everyone a replay of "Video Games", the song.

Not the internet meme, not the questionable plastic surgery, not the hipster-blogger-meltdowns.

Just this song.

Probably the stand out track of 2011.

I do hope she's not a fake. I do hope she has staying power, which has been sort of a theme running through this very selective year in review.   We'll see.

I do hope her boyfriend gets off his ass, pushes the pause button on that video game, and gives his woman some love.

I hope we all can do that in 2012.

Before the end does well and truly come.