Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010: Keren Ann - Between The Flatland And The Caspian Sea

I really dislike Keren Ann. I'm sure she's a nice person and all.  And kind of a hottie, if I'm honest.

And I should like her music, it's the type of music I would usually enjoy. Except I don't.

I got her self-titled 2007 album from the Library, because the Library is a perfect place to explore new music. It's a free trial offer for everything in stock! What do you have to lose?

So I started listening and was immediately bored out of my mind. That is the downside; people donate their CDs to the library for a reason.

Ok, so, Lay Your Head Down wasn't too bad of a song. It was a bit too Sophie B Hawkins  lite for my taste, but it was passable.  Unlike the rest of the album.  Which was horrible.  Boring, trite, boring, lethargic, did I mention boring?   Ready to give up, I skipped to this track.

Ever have one of the those moments where you hear a song for the first time and you just stop in your tracks, silent and still, and wonder aloud to yourself, "What is THIS?"

It's happened to me a couple of times in my life.  The last time that I can remember was hearing Nice Weather For Ducks by Lemon Jelly  for the first time on BBC 1.

Since then I've listened to this track maybe a thousand times. I've put it on mix CD's I've made, I even made an uploaded this video because 1) I'm overly obsessed with the song and 2) I wanted to blog it but couldn't find it on YouTube.

Now, if any of the followers of this blog can point me to a Keren Ann song as good as this one, please share it with me. God knows I'm miserable now I've tried to find one myself.

I just get too bored to keep on looking.


Anonymous said...

oh là... Vous avez le français dans votre sang? Bon. Sensible et normal !


Anonymous said...

oops...sorry - I guess tha blog just shows up in french over here. Looking in all the same! CG

ponyrojo said...

Many thanks for visiting my blog! I typed in your first sentence into Babel Fish and this is the translation I got:

"oh there… You have French in your blood? Good. Sensitive and normal!"

I'm going to assume that's not exactly correct, lol. But, it doesn't sound like a bad thing, so I'll say, "Thank You."

And, no, I don't have French in my blood. Sorry.

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