Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011: TWOfer Tuesday: The "March, 1985" Edition

March, 1985.

I was in my Junior year of High School. Ronald Reagan was just starting his 2nd term as President of the United States, while Mikhail Gorbachev replaces Konstantin Chernenko as leader of the Soviet Union.

On March 15th, the first Internet domain name is registered (symbolics.com).

"Amadeus" wins Best Picture at the 57th Annual Academy Awards.

Wayne Gretzky breaks own NHL season record with 126th assist, and Madison Square Garden hosts the very first WrestleMania, where Hulk Hogan & Mr T beat Rowdy Roddy Piper & Paul Orndorf.

And here are a couple of songs that were on the charts that month.


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