Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday, December 31, 2012: Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill (Live)

It was always going to be Peter Gabriel.

It's how CSOTD was started, and I had no pretensions about finishing it any other way.

This is a recent (2011) live clip of his classic track.  I love this clip for several reasons, most of all it seems like Mr Gabriel is genuinely having a good time.  That's good to see.  Doing what you love for so many years, it's nice to know that you can still look forward to clocking in at the office.

So, there he is.  Grayer, bit of a ponch, but still has that cheeky grin, and bouncing around that stage like some middle-aged Tigger.  Indeed, the wonderful thing about Peter Gabriel, is he's the only one.  Truly an inspiration.

The other thing I love is the little clip of Ode To Joy tossed in there.  That just kills me. Well done to whomever arranged that.

And, with this humble post, we close the door on CSOTD.  As I've said earlier, gentle reader, faithful reader and friend, this has been a wild, wooly and wonderful ride.   And thanks to everyone who has been in contact trying to pressure me into continuing.  I honestly, truly, did not know how that that many people were really paying attention.  Those conversations have been the most humbling, thank you so much for your kind words.

But, as I have said before, I am moving on to different things.  Hopefully, better things.  I would love to continue CSOTD, but if I'm honest, it has really reached a plateau.  I would have needed to invest far more time into this in order to have kicked it to the next level.  Where it truly needed to go.

That said, I cannot thank everyone enough.  I hope everyone reading this has a blessed new year, where all your dreams are made real.

Me? You can keep my things, they've come to take me home.


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