Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tuesday, January 29, 2024: Elbow - Magnificent (She Says)

There are songs that just make you stop dead in your tracks when you are hearing them.

Covina, California, in the Fall of 1991, I was at the intersection of San Bernadino Ave, waiting to turn left onto Citrus Ave. going south.  That's when I first heard Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana.

Driving onto Citrus, there was a Taco Bell there, I don't think it's there now.

I pulled over and parked right in front of that Taco Bell just to be able to listen to the rest of that song.

Several years later, I was playing bass guitar in a couple of bands.  The guitarist gave me a mix CD, because that's just what you did in the 1990s.  I was grateful, it was very cool music.  But towards the end Buzzin Fly by Tim Buckley came on.  I had that song on repeat for at least three days straight.

The power of music.

Here's another track that floored me when I first heard it. 

It kills me that Elbow isn't more popular, they should be up there with bands like U2.  That they are not just speaks to the broken and depressed state of our world.  

Go listen to more songs by Elbow.  I assure you, they are very cool.


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