Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011: Todd Rundgren - Bang The Drum All Day

Happy Labor Day!

Obviously, there are a million songs that I could post about work, working or just walkin' out the door of your job.

In fact, fellow blogger Paul Smith a pretty comprehensive list here:

Welcome To The Occupation

I, for one, was THIS close to choosing Working For A Livin' by Huey Lewis & The News for today's post.

But then I though, Labor Day is about having a day off, innit. It's not about work itself, it's about NOT being at work, about having a day of rest. It's probably about, you know, labor unions and stuff, but it's mostly about having a day off.

So, to celebrate not working much more than working, I do present Todd Rundgren's ode - nay, Anthem - to the celebration of not working. Of not wanting to work.

Of just sitting around and being lazy. Or, you know, being a drummer.


And don't work too hard, gentle reader!


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