Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010: Ray LaMontagne and The Pariah Dogs - Devil's In The Jukebox

As I expressed in Saturday's post, I am a ball of confusion, self-doubt and debilitatingly low self-esteem.

I'm especially plagued with self-doubt almost every time I blog here. There is always a little voice in the back of my mind saying, "Ah, c'mon, THAT song? Nobody will think that song is cool! Who are YOU to determine what is cool or not anyway?"

In a way, I'm grateful for that voice, it keeps me on my toes, keeps me sharp.  Helps me make good decisions.  Sometimes self-doubt ain't such a horrible thing.

But not today, dear friends, not today.

Why? Because there is not one iota of doubt whether or not this record is cool.

I've talked before about songs that stop you dead in your tracks the first time you hear them.  I said then that I haven't heard anything like that for a while.

We'll, it's happened again. I was stopped dead. In. My. Tracks.  By Mr. Ray LaMontagne.

Ray LaMontagne is a singer and songwriter currently based in Maine. Legend has it he heard Stephen Stills' song "Treetop Flyer" on the radio at 4:00 in the morning as he awoke to prepare for his job at a shoe factory. He soon decided that music would be his life.

The world lost a cobbler, but gained one hell of a musician.

This is from his brand spanking new album "God Willing & the Creek Don't Rise."

I always here people say, "They don't write 'em like THAT anymore."  Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think we've found at least one person who does.

Happy Monday, everyone!  I know mine will be much, much better with this song as it's soundtrack.


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