Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011: De La Soul - The Magic Number

On yesterdays post I referred to the late 1980's a dark time for music.

That's not entirely true.

De La Soul released 3 Feet High and Rising in 1989.

I've said a couple of times the word Masterpiece is overused, or misused. But, here again, there is no other, lesser, word that would do to describe this album.  Is this Hip Hops Sgt. Pepper?  Discuss.

Most music lovers have a "must have" album list, usually containing discs like Dylan's Blonde On Blonde.

But, friends, if you come across any "must have" list that doesn't include 3 Feet High and Rising from De La Soul, then run screaming from them, they are surely insane, and not responsible for their actions.


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