Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Tuesday, April 30, 2024: TWOfer Tuesday - The "I Don't Want To Like The Grateful Dead" Edition


Somehow, and I honestly cannot tell exactly how or where this started, but I am currently obsessed with the song Scarlet Begonias by The Grateful Dead. 

Now, The Dead are one of those groups that have been on my radar for most of my life.  My older sister had some Dead records when I was growing up (Workingman's Dead and American Beauty, I think).

But it always felt like getting into The Dead, like, really being a fan, took some effort.  I could happily collect Springsteen albums and call myself a Springsteen fan.  But in order to be accepted and understood as a true Dead Head, you had to see them live.  Multiple times.  Then not only collect the regular albums, but also get heavy into the bootlegs.  And then, you needed to have strong opinions about different aspects of The Dead: who was the best guitarist, which bootleg had the best version of Dark Star, at what point, exactly, did they "sell out."

It all seemed exhausting.  So, while I love classic rock, I just never managed to get The Dead into any regular rotation.

Until now.  Until this damn Scarlet Begonias song.  But, here's the deal.

I love Frank Zappa.  I've been heavy, heavy into Zappa for a few years now.  Which means, I already am a devoted member of a very complex fan base. 

Zappa and The Dead: 

  • Both were highly experimental in their music
  • Both were very into improvisation, known for long jams
  • Both seen as symbols of the anti-establishment movement, advocates for personal freedom, experimentation, and alternative lifestyles 
  • Both left a lasting impact on music and popular culture
  • Both have a diverse fanbase that transcended typical demographic boundaries
  • Both have complex discographies that span decades, that include hundreds of bootleg recordings
  • Both artists invite strong opinions about the different stages of their musical journey, the artists they associated with, and specifically which songs are best done live (again, over a course of careers of touring spanning decades, and over the totality of the globe.)

In short, man, I just don't want to get into any more arguments about which version of which song was done best on which tour, or which guitarist was best, or which album has the best re-release.

I'm up to my neck with all that as a Zappa fan.

But, then I listen to Friend of the Devil.  Or Uncle John's Band. Or Box of Rain.  And I think, damn damn damn, The Dead were pretty great, weren't they?

In closing, I do not want to like the Grateful Dead.  But, I will if I have to.

Anyway, here's a live version of Dark Star. Enjoy. 


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