Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010: Shapeshifters - Lola's Theme

On Thursday, July 12, 1979, at Comiskey Park in Chicago, Illinois, Chicago radio DJ Steve Dahl and baseball promoter Mike Veeck organized an event dubbed "the world's largest anti-disco rally". Their plan was to blow up a box of thousands of disco records in the middle of center field inbetween games of a twi-night doubleheader between the White Sox and the Detroit Tigers.

What started as a "Disco Sucks" rally soon turned into a riot as records and beer bottles were thrown, fans stormed the field and the second game of the doubleheader had to be called off as the explosives tore a hole in the outfield and started a small fire.

Nile Rodgers, producer and guitarist for the popular disco group Chic said "It felt to us like Nazi book-burning. This is America, the home of jazz and rock and people were now afraid even to say the word 'disco'."

Some say disco died that night.

Many others, including the Shapeshifters, never got that message. And we are all the better for it.

Sampling Johnny Taylor's "What About My Love", here is an outstanding wake-the-hell-up-and-shake-the-sleep-from-your-feet Monday song to start your week off right.



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