Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010: The Doors - Break On Through (To The Other Side)

I'd like to start by saying that I appreciate all my overseas followers of my humble blog, many thanks for your continued support. Hopefully I do try to keep my content here vague enough that anyone, regardless of country of origin, should be able to enjoy the music I choose for CSOTD.

This week, however, is a pretty big week here in the 'ol US of A. It's Thanksgiving Week. More on what exactly that means later.

Just know that I've decided that this week is to be special.

This week will be all killer, no filler.

And we'll start with an atomic bomb of coolness: the opening track from The Doors self-titled debut album.

Break On Through was not just a song, it was a statement of intent.  This song set up the themes that The Doors and Jim Morrison would explore for the rest of their careers.  And for Jim, the rest of his life.

Everything about this song clicked.

And, yes, I know that Morrison didn't even write this.  But any song about pleasure, destruction, obsession, lightness, darkness, regret, seeing through the lies and trying to explore everything about this life would effortlessly conform to the Morrison cannon.

Everything about this album clicked.  I could easily take a week off and just play a single track each day as it's own CSOTD.  And everyone would smile and everything would be right with the world.

However, everything will not be right with the world now, for this is Thanksgiving Week.

So, let us all put on our best efforts to see this week through.  To break on through, as it were.

To the other side.

Is everybody in?

The ceremony is about to begin.........


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