Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011: Jeremy Messersmith - Organ Donor

I've always felt that how we talk about relationships is wrong.

It's not just the words we get wrong, but the very timeline itself.

We speak about how one relationship lasted from this date until this date, then there is a pause, or a long time, and another relationship starts again.

Sometimes those relationships overlap sure (don't hate the player, hate the game), but more often than not, there is a very linear aspect to how we think about our relationships.

And, again, I think it is all wrong.

Relationships aren't linear in a horizontal sense, they are vertical. Each one builds on the previous one. One doesn't stop merely for another one to start up. I believe some relationships hardly ever end, even though we haven't been with that person for months, maybe years.

Relationships build on one another. My very first girlfriend still affects me, in certain ways, to this very day.

I didn't give my heart to her in the school library, but I can relate.

I know what it is to wonder if I'll ever be whole again.

God, I love this song.


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