Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011: Ace Of Base - Beautiful Life

I'm a big fan of the "guilty pleasure".

Eating the greasy cheeseburger when you should be having the veggie plate, or choosing to watch the cheesy slasher-horror movie over any Fellini film.

In terms of music, Ace Of Base doesn't get much guiltier.

First of all, it doesn't help that their two biggest hits, The Sign and All That She Wants sound virtually the same.

Sing the chorus of The Sign over the chorus of All That She Wants and tell me I'm wrong.

Then, there is the Swedish problem. If you are a pop music group from Sweden, you will always live the shadow of ABBA.  And, as such, you will always fall short.

Obviously Swedish Death Metal groups don't have that worry.

Then there is the criticism, valid up to a point actually, that this is just manufactured fluffy club music with no real soul.

Here is my point, however.

There is no question Elton John is a genius, and his songs are wonderful, but which would you rather listen to when it's Friday, when you are driving out of your work's parking lot, or putting on a bit of slap getting ready to go out and party?

This song, or Your Song?

Gentle reader, even with everything going on in the world right now, I still maintain that it really is a beautiful life. It's the weekend, get out there and find out for yourself


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