Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011: DeVotchKa - The Last Beat Of My Heart

As you may (or may not) have noticed, most of the songs I post here on CSOTD are posted on the video sharing channel YouTube.

One of the great things about YouTube, other that the things I've previously talked about here on CSOTD, are the comments.

The comments posted range from very funny to moving to insightful to phenomenal trash talk. Almost every video has something in the comments section worth reading.

There are a couple of reasons why I do not include the comments from the posted videos. First, I want CSOTD to be about me, my thoughts and my writings. But, on a more practical level, I don't want to get locked in to showing only one posting of a song. If I've learned anything, it's that YouTube videos and come and go pretty fast.

With that said, I thought this comment by kabrina1977 about today's band DeVotchKa was pure genius:

"Strangely--selfishly--I like that Devotchka isn't more popular. It's like I have this amazing little secret, this unbelievable music that's made for me and me alone. And while I'm always happy when a band I love "makes it", I'm always sad that people who will never TRULY appreciate the band and their music will be listening to songs that have struck such a personal chord with me. It's like all the world is reading my diary."

Honestly, if you love music at all, you have felt this at one point in your life.

Now, understand me here, I genuinely dislike people who disown a band as soon as they become successful. Or people who brag that they were the first person who ever liked a certain band, or the first to have the bands first album.

I saw a great t-shirt recently which said, "I Listen to Bands That Don't Even Exist Yet." Brilliant.

But that isn't what the writer is saying here. They are not saying they are going to jump ship as soon as this Denver based four-piece become a hit.  No, they are talking about the emotional weight we put into music we love, and how those feelings get cheapened when people who are not as knowledgeable and passionate as us casually acquire a certain band as their own.

I could never really explain the feelings I had when a band I had followed for a long time made it big. Now, someone has.

Many thanks.

Although, after all that, I sincerely do hope DeVotchKa become more popular.

 God in Heaven, this is a great band.


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