Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011: Portishead - Strangers

Believe it or not, gentle reader, I really try to not let my own personal tastes influence the song choice here on CSOTD.

No really.

Trust me, I've blogged some songs that would have never made it to my own personal walkman.

Strangers by Portishead, however, is not one of those songs.

In fact, I would hazard to guess that if I kept a record of my song playbacks, this would definitely be in the top 5.

And it still sounds as fresh, and cool, as when it was released, coming close to 20 years ago.

Can you believe it?

Don't dwell on that, though, but just crank this up to 11 and bask in the glory that is Portishead


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