Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011: TWOfer Tuesday - The "Deutschland, Deutschland über Eighties" Edition

I took two years of German in High School. I got D's both years.

Growing up in Los Angeles, you would think I would do the sensible thing and take Spanish, since that was the foreign language I was actually surrounded with, and most applicable to my life.

Actually, I desperately wanted to take French but budget cuts meant the French classes were cut before I had a chance to enroll.

I guess that's the thing, I've always had European leanings. With my politics, my worldview, my taste in art and music, I've always felt like I belonged somewhere else. I've never felt like I fit in here in America. Europe always beckoned.

Now, looking back, I can sort of see where some of that influence comes from - 80's music.

God, the Krauts were kool in the 80's.

Sure, Rock Me Amadeus borders on novelty record, but never crosses that line. And it's a border crossing better than Der Kommisar (let's not even talk about After The Fire's shambolic English language cover version *shudders*)

But, even if that song doesn't mustard your Bratwurst, you have to admit that 80's music videos rarely got cooler, or hotter, than Nena in 99 Luft Balons. Walking through that desolate, smoke-filled demilitarized zone in jeans tighter than Checkpoint Charlie's security, Nena was a vision of Euro-hotness that no American chick could match.

Deutschland über Alles, indeed. At least in the 80's


Unknown said...

Falco's song Ganz Wien is also pretty good. I remember another song one of our substitutes shared with us was called Ich Glotz TV. Something about watching TV.

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