Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: Louis Armstrong - St James Infirmary

Today is All Saints Day.

In the Roman Catholic Church, today is officially known as the Solemnity of All Saints, also called All Hallows or Hallowmas. Today is the reason yesterday (All Hallows Eve, or Halloween), even exists at all.

So, as this is a day for remembering the great ones, let's spend it remembering one of the greatest.

This is the track that kicks off his October 1959 album "Satchmo Plays King Oliver", who was one of Armstrongs earliest influences and supporters.

Satch plays here with the All-Stars:

Peanuts Hucko - Clarinet

Trummy Young - Trombone

Billy Kyle - Piano

Mort Herbert - Bass

Danny Barcelona - Drums

Louis Armstrong - Trumpet & Vocals

It's All Saints Day, and I guarantee you will not hear a more Heavenly sound today, all week, or maybe ever.


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