Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday, December 19, 2011: Steeleye Span - The Boar's Head Carol

It's Christmas week - and Christmas Carols very rarely get cooler than those sung by Steeleye Span.

So, let's slaughter some boars and get this week of merryment started!

The boar's head in hand bear I,
Bedeck'd with bays and rosemary.
So I pray you, my masters, be merry (Or: And I pray you, my masters, merry be)
Quot estis in convivio (Translation: As many as are in the feast)


Caput apri defero (Translation: The boar's head I offer)
Reddens laudes Domino (Translation: Giving praises to the Lord)

The boar's head, as I understand,
Is the rarest dish in all this land,
Which thus bedeck'd with a gay garland
Let us servire cantico. (Translation: Let us serve with a song)


Our steward hath provided this
In honour of the King of Bliss;
Which, on this day to be served is
In Reginensi atrio. (Translation: In the Queen's hall)

lyrics courtesy of Wikipedia


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