Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012: M83 - Midnight City

OK, just one more holdout from 2011.

No, I take that back. We will certainly pepper the upcoming months with more outstanding tracks from 2011 that didn't make the cut in last weeks Official-Yet-Still-Rubbish "Year In Review"

The review was rubbish. Not the songs.

So, here's another non-rubbish song released in July, 2012, by the band M83.

Well, when I say "band", I basically mean French musician Anthony Gonzalez.

It's a glorious piece of 1980's pop-electronic pick-me-up to counter those hazy gray Monday morning blahs. If that glorious sax at 3:02 hasn't put a smile on your face, then you are in for a bad week.  Fact.



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