Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012: Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman

Yesterday's song about Ordinary People got me thinking back to songs actually about Ordinary People.

Some of the best art is an extraordinary expression of something ordinary.  Take this classic Glen Campbell track for instance.  I'm sure there is very little that would have been cool about actually being a lineman in Wichita, Kansas, maintaining mile after mile of the same telephone poles stretching out past the horizon into infinity.

But leave it to Mr Campbell to make it magic.  This song takes me back in ways that very, very few songs can.  With vocals as easy as a well worn work shirt and a spirit of longing like a warm prairie breeze, Wichita Lineman is a giant of a song, standing tall in any pantheon of pop greatness, as well as standing apart and timeless.

Here is the real deal, gentle reader.



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