Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012: The Killers - Runaways


 Officially, The Silver State.

But, also known as the Battle Born State.

Which is also the title of the upcoming album from Vegas' own The Killers.

I've blogged The Killers before. Specifically, I said that they frustrated the hell out of me.

Because I felt that this was a group with talent that could fill in a mine shaft, but just hadn't really been successful enough in putting all their disparate elements together. Meditating on their 4th album, I wrote, "let's hope they get it right this time, because they deserve it. And so do we, the listening public. God knows that we need a group as good as the Killers could be."

Well, listen to this single. It's looking like they, indeed, got it right this time.

What a great way to start this week.


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