Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012: TWOfer Tuesday - The "Before Nine Eleven" Edition

On September 11, 1992, Nirvana played the Seattle Center Coliseum in Seattle, WA.

Way back before September 11th became Nine Eleven.

September 11th now, obviously, has an immediate connection with the attacks that took place on September 11th, 2001.  And, I imagine, will continue to do for at least one to two generations.

Someday, eventually, Nine Eleven will return to just being September 11th.  Someday, September 11th won't be so closely identified as that horrific day, that day the war began, that day that thousands lost their lives, that day that freedom died.

Like December 7th, the day that lives in infamy, which now goes by with note and consideration, but not the visceral, emotional connection to a world changing event that it once had.

So, here's to the world that was before Nine Eleven.

And here's to a time before Nirvana became encumbered with all that baggage.  Here's to 1992, and a time when they were just a band that were giving us some really great songs.



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