Saturday, February 17, 2024

Saturday, February 17, 2024: Glenn Miller & his Orchestra - Juke Box Saturday Night


"Money, we really don't need that, 
We make out alright."

What an entirely different world, and world view.  Who would even say that, these days?

Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.  Nostalgia for a time and place you were never even a part of is even more dangerous.

However, there is something about gathering in a group and listening to music together, talking, laughing, singing along with a jukebox, rather than everyone having their own headphones, existing only in their own world.  That is not blind nostalgia, not to me at least, I've done that, I remember doing that with my own friends, many many years ago.

If I could bring back one thing from the past, it would probably be jukeboxes.  And small little diners where everyone (everyone!) can gather, mop up soda pop rickys to our hearts delight, and sing along.  

Loud and without any headphones in sight.


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