Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday, July 30, 2024: TWOfer Tuesday - The "Amelia Earhart" Edition


July 24th was Amelia Earhart's birthday, and it was originally my plan to do a post on that day celebrating the first lady of the air.  But, as you now, holday plans overtook CSOTD planning last week.  

So, I just get to revisit it today, and double the honor, with double the cool music. 

I won't bore you with my amature retelling of her amazing and inspiring life story, here you go:

Amelia Earhart - Queen of the Air

Also, there has been much talk lately of her long lost plane finally being found:


My father was in the Air Force and worked in the aviation industry for many years, as a kid I was dragged to air shows most of my young life, so I know that this has been a Holy Grail type search for many years, with several claims being announced over the decades, but no actual proof ever dragged out.  So, part of me takes this with huge grains of salt, but also I understand that, with the improvements of tracking and satellite technology, the chances of her plane actually being found are obviously greater today than they were yesterday.  So, there's that.

We'll see.

But for now, here's to someone who achieved much, dreamed bigger, and could never let the world drag her down.



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