Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday, August 30, 2024: Sheila E. - The Glamorous Life


Very few people could hit it like Shelia E.  

I always imagined that Shelia E. would have been a killer anime character: a fem-fatal assassin who kills her targets by throwing extra-sharp drumsticks, ninja star style.  And, also, putting down any male drummer who dare challenge her on the skins.   Maybe that's just me.

Her debut album, The Glamorous Life (1984), was produced by Prince, who also wrote the title track. "The Glamorous Life" became a hit, reaching the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 and earned her a Grammy nomination.

Closely associated with Prince for most of the rest of the 80s, both professionally and personally, she toured with him as a drummer and percussionist, and they collaborated on multiple projects throughout the decade. Sheila E.'s work with Prince was instrumental in shaping what was to become known as The Minneapolis sound.

She was of the 80s, but not bound to the 80s.  The Glamorous Life still sounds as fresh and vibrant today as it did when it was released.  Energy, talent, passion, these things transcend mere decades.  

And very few people could do that like Shelia E.


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