Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010: The Tubes - What Do You Want From Life?

As we begin this week, let us pause.

Before we rush off groggy, yawning, trying to shake ourselves awake as we commute to our jobs, our schools, our responsibilities, let us pause and ask, "Why?"

Why do we do this everyday? Just to pay the bills? To provide for our families? To be fulfilled? To go to Heaven? To watch TV on a Big Screen? To be famous? To get laid?

What DO you want from life?

The Tubes released this song in 1978 and, except for the references to Paul Williams and the list of 70's automobiles that are ALL rusting away in junkyards or abandoned fields somewhere (Merc Montclair, anyone? Anyone?), this song still resonates today. The Tubes nailed it with this one.

As long as people just want to get cable TV and watch it every night, lumps in their chairs, hopefully someone, somewhere, will have this song playing. Loud. Just for them.

Just for us.


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