Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010: The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - Say No To Love

It's Saturday, hopefully it's your day off, and also hopefully you are starting your day off right by checking in with the CSOTD.

If you are a follower of my humble blog, then I have faith that you are both a music connoisseur and aficionado. Not sure? Then let's find out, shall we?

1) Are you one of those people who point out the artist and title of a song when you hear it used in a commercial or movie?

2) When someone asks you to identify a song on the radio, do you not only give the artist and title, but the year it was released, the album it was taken from, why that album wasn't as good as their FIRST album, and why you think they will break up in the next six months?

3) If your date suddenly confessed to you their favourite song was "My Heart Will Go On", would you just walk away, or would you walk away AND stick them with the bill?

4) Which kind of dessert can be found in the pantry, according to the Simon & Garfunkel classic song "Mrs. Robinson"?

5) Who sang, "Happy times together we've been spending. I wish that every kiss was never ending."

6) Do you know the difference between Parliament and Funkadelic?

If you said yes to questions 1, 2 and 6, knew the answers to 4 & 5, and realized that question 3 was in fact a trick question*, then welcome to Cool Song Of The Day! This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

So, let's continue this Pop Quiz (Hotshot) Saturday.

On tap for today is a wonderfully breezy New York City pop band called The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart. They do pop music like nobody does anymore, but thousands used to.

 And that's the quiz, folks: List All The Bands That TPOBPAH sound like.

Oh, and you can't use The Smiths, Jesus and The Mary Chain, or The Stone Roses:  They are just too obvious and you're far more advanced than that.

Don't forget, you only get credit if you show your work    :)


*(Obviously, you would know if a person's favourite song was "My Heart Will Go On" well before you arranged a date. Which, of course, means you wouldn't have agreed to a date in the first place, right?)


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