Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010: Robin Trower - Bridge Of Sighs

This is polar opposite from the Otis Redding CSOTD yesterday. Whereas that was outlandishly fun toe tapping soul, former Procal Harem guitarist Robin Trower gives us epic mood music. But don't run away, this is as cool as ice.

Trower harks back to a time when rock could be heavy and inspired, haunting and beautiful. His guitar tone is as deep and wide as the Grand Canyon, with James Dewar's vocals tiptoeing that fine line between insightful experience and overwrought pain.

This kind of music fell easy into parody and cheese, but not here, not this time. Bridge of Sighs is dripping with cool from every pore, and in the future when most other rockers have stopped caring about music and can only be bothered to sell the DVD's of their failed reality shows from the trunks of their cars, Brigde of Sighs will still be epic cool.


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