Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010: The Crystal Method - Weapons Of Mass Distortion

I both love and loath schedules.

Part of me loves them, the borderline OCD part of me that likes everything ordered and in place.

Schedules are, in truth, a good thing. Ask any athlete training for a major competition if they are on a strict workout schedule, or if they just work whenever they feel like it.

On the other hand, schedules do get somewhat restrictive. Question those same athletes, and they'll probably say they mix things up once in a while just to keep things interesting, so they don't fall into a rut.

I don't want to say Friday songs have become stuck in a rut, but I must confess that when I come to chose Friday songs, I usually lean towards the loud, the fast, the rocking, the maximum impact songs that break on through the night like a freight train.

So, I'll need to change it round soon, maybe start making some Friday songs sweet, mellow numbers that comfortably ease you into the weekend.

Someday. But not today.

Today, lets crank the volume to 10 and see if we can unleash those Weapons Of Mass Distortion.


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