Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011: Ike & Tina Turner - Proud Mary



 As I mentioned way back in September of last year, my first themed week was supposed to be Covers Week, but I got cold feet and did Cool Song Goes To The Movies. Which actually turned out really great, if I do say so myself, with the Tangerine Dream TWOfer Tuesday still remaining one of my favourite blogs I've ever written.

Since then we've explored the Golden State during California Week, but it has been quite on the Theme Week front ever since.

I do apologize, and thanks to some recent inspiration (you guys and gals know who you are), I will hopefully make things right with a week chock full of totally cool covers.

First, let me tell you what this week will NOT be about: It will not be about the BEST covers.  This week will not be some prolonged exploration of the high (or low) art of making a killer cover eventually leading to some lame listing of what I think are the top cover versions ever made.  What the hell do I know.

If you want the greatest cover version of all time, please listen to Jimi Hendrix's version of Bob Dylan's All Along The Watchtower. Done, there's the top of the list for you.

It's all downhill from here. And that's nice, frankly, it releases a lot of the pressure.  Which is why I bailed on the first chance to do Covers Week, the pressure.  Don't you know there are millions of covers out there?

So, to kick things off, let us start with something something nice and easy.

Or, you know, something that at least starts nice.  And easy.

Believe me, I'm a huge CCR fan, but Proud Mary was always a lackluster effort from them.  I know many people think it's a classic, but it bores me to tears.

Ike & Tina truly made a silk purse out of that sow's ear.



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