Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011: TWOfer Tuesday - The "Hey! Mr. Tambourine Man, Play A Song For Me" Edition

Bob Dylan: Probably one of the greatest songwriters ever, with one of the most disagreeable voices ever.

Which is a perfect recipe for a slew of brilliant cover versions.

Yesterday I crowned Hendrix's cover of Dylan's All Along The Watchtower the greatest cover ever.

But that only scratches the surface of what artists have done with Mr Zimmerman's back catalog.

We've started with, as you may know, gentle reader, one of my favourite bands of all time, doing an absolute killer version of "Tangled Up In Blue". The Girls really explore this song, putting it through its paces to bring out as much colour, light and shade as they can. It's a genius track, and one of my favourite all time covers.

From that rawkus start, we downshift to a more introspective acoustic number from the always wonderful Shawn Colvin. And some fingerpicking skills that makes me want to put away the acoustic guitar forever and take up needlepoint.

Lastly, I know it's usually only a TWOfer Tuesday, but what say we kick this up a notch with a third Dylan selection which, unless you've been living under a rock, needs no introduction.


Unknown said...

I heard a story about Dylan a couple of years ago. Apparently, Bob came to his grandson's kindergarten class (Jakob's son) and played a few songs for the kidlets. The story was told that one young boy's mom asked what happened at school today. Her son replied, "Oh, some old guy came and played the guitar." Intrigued, the mother called the school and found out that the old guy was Bob Dylan! I hope this isn't a myth. It's a very cute story.

Unknown said...

I need to correct myself. The story happened about 4 years ago, and Dylan was not "some old guy" he was "weird guitar guy." Here's the link: http://www.shoutmouth.com/index.php/news/Bob_Dylan_plays_guitar_for_grandson%27s_kindergarten

ponyrojo said...

Probably my favourite Dylan story is where he was actually walking in a neighborhood in a New Jersy suburb and got arrested for vagrancy. The cops, both in their 20's, didn't know who he was.

Here's some links, what a great story.



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