Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011: Coleman Hawkins - After Midnight

Posting jazz on CSOTD is a slam dunk - most jazz is very cool.

Which, honestly, is one of the reasons I haven't posted any real jazz so far.

I've been trying to stretch myself and my beliefs about cool music - trying to expand my horizons and searching for cool in places where I, or maybe even you, gentle reader, might not think cool can exist.

And, if I may be so bold, I think this humble blog has done just fine for that.

However, for this lazy Saturday, what say we fall back into our comfort zone?

Let's enjoy that slam dunk. That easy cool choice.

And dunks don't get much more slamming than Coleman Hawkins on tenor sax.

Take it away, Hawk.


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