Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011: Happy Mother's Day


Anonymous said...

There are mothers like that, I suppose... and, there will always be sons that point it out. My children did not come with instructions printed on their butts, so I played it by ear. I raised a group of independent, brave, tenacious, loving and decent human beings. My "children" no longer, my pride and joy forever!

ponyrojo said...

My mother taught me self-reliance, resilience, the importance of having a good sense of humor and following your own vision.

She did that by being distant, selfish, abusive, uninvolved and unsympathetic.

So, yes, there are mothers like that. And sometimes life doesn't fit on a Hallmark Card.

If you did well as a mother, I applaud you, I really do. Well done.

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