Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 3, 2011: Patti Scialfa - Love (Stand Up)

I love it when a song kicks it up into high gear. When a song suddenly shifts gears from low to high, changes direction or just brings all the elements together for one big rowdy dust-up.

For Love (Stand Up), it's the little drum fill that cues the chorus of "Stand Up, Stand Up!" that moves this from good to really great. And very cool.

This is off her 2004 album "23rd Street Lullaby", which was recorded a whopping 11 years after her debut album "Rumble Doll".

Patti Scialfa is the real deal. No really, she's from Deal, New Jersy.  But besides that, she's got the resume that screams "I got this from working hard from the bottom up", not from a lucky break or relying on more marketing than music.

There is a sexy and sultry quality about her voice that presses all the right buttons, I like her stuff a lot.


Sally said...

I love this song--great choice. Her lyrics are always amazing and I love her voice. You're right, she's the real deal.

ponyrojo said...

For me, it's just great to see people who've actually cultivated their craft over a period of many years, rather than just releasing a couple of songs with a huge media machine behind them and expect to make great music.

Singing, songwriting, playing an instrument - these are crafts, skills honed over many years and lots and lots of work.

But, hey, that's just me and I might be wrong.

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